

1. Required condition of article acceptance for publication is the availability of innovative research results that had previously never been published. If the materials of the article have been published previously, the author must provide the Editorial Board with bibliographic references of previous publication, justifying the relevance of publishing a new version, and explaining the nature of additions and changes to the last version of the article.
2. The article should be submitted along with a review by a reputable scientist in the relevant field of science (Ph.D., professor) or a recommendation for printing by the corresponding department.
3. Scientific article should contain the following essential elements: problem definition and its relationship with important scientific and practical tasks, analysis of recent research and publications, which discuss this issue and on which the author relies in his research; unresolved aspects of the problem which is the subject matter of the article; formulation of the article purposes; presentation of the basic material with full justification of scientific results; the findings of this study and recommendations for further research in this direction. All these elements should be presented in the text, but they need not be graphically pointed.
4. Manuscripts (articles, reviews etc) are submitted a e-copy (by e-mail) (Times New Roman 14, interval 1.5, indention is 1.25 centimeters, all margins are 2 centimeters) in the format of Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, RTF or WordPerfect without hyphenation of words.
5. At the top of the first page the headline of the article is printed; information about the author is given single-space below. Single-space more abstract and keywords are given. Keywords must include the name of the author whose texts are researched. It's advisable to add abstracts in the languages of the readership the author is interested.
6. The dash () and the hyphen (-) are different in size and spaces before and after the dash. Initials in the name (e.g., V. A. Lavrenov), abridgements such as the 20th century, names of towns are printed through non-breaking space (simultaneous pressing Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar). If necessary use unbreakable dash (simultaneous pressing Ctrl + Shift + hyphen).
7. All references in the text of the article are given in square brackets (number in the reference list, volume and pages) [3, v. 1, p. 1213]. The number of the page and its abbreviation are printed through non-breaking space. Between the numbers of pages put dashes. The quotations and references must be verified relative to primary sources. References at the bottom of the page are not permitted.
8. At the end of the article the list of references is attached in alphabetical order (see examples of bibliographic description).
9. Materials of the authors who do not meet the requirements won’t be considered.

About the Authors
First name, last name.
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID.
E-mail of the author.
Academic degree, academic status, position.
Full name of the educational establishment (in the nominative case) as a place of employment / studying (faculty, department, university, etc.).
Institution Address (street, house number, postal code, city, country).

An abstract is a succinct summary of a longer piece of work, usually academic in nature, which is published in isolation from the main text and should therefore stand on its own and be understandable without reference to the longer piece. Its purpose is to act as a reference tool, enabling the reader to decide whether or not to read the full text.
There are four fields which are obligatory in abstracts: Purpose, Design/methodology/approach, Findings and Originality/value; the other three (Research limitations/implications, Practical implications, and Social implications) may be omitted if they are not applicable to your paper.
Basic Requirements for Abstracts. Follow the chronology of the paper and use its headings as guidelines. Write concisely and clearly: do not include unnecessary details. You are writing for an audience "in the know" – you can use the technical language of your discipline or profession, providing you communicate your meaning clearly, and bear in mind that you are writing to an international audience. Make sure that what you write "flows" properly, that there are "connecting words" (e.g. consequently, moreover, for example, the benefits of this study, as a result, etc.) and/or the points you make are not disjointed but follow on from one another. Use the active rather than the passive voice, e.g. "The study tested" rather than "It was tested in this study".
Abstracts should contain 200-250 words.
Using keywords
Using keywords is a vital part of abstract writing. Keywords act as the search term. Use keywords that are specific, and that reflect what is essential about the paper.

Examples of bibliographic description
Culler J. Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction / Jonathan Culler. – Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 1997. – 145 p.
Blickle P. Das Alte Europa. Vom Hochmittelalter bis zur Moderne / Peter Blickle. – München : C.H. Beck, 2008. – 320 S.
Sollers Ph. Céline / Philippe Sollers. – Paris : Ecriture, 2009. – 107 p.
Mitosek Z. Teorie badań literackich / Zofia Mitosek. – Warszawa : Wydawn. Naukowe PWN, 1995. – 477 s.

Book (several authors):
Gallagher C. Practicing New Historicism / Catherine Gallagher, Stephen Greenblatt. – Chicago ; London : Univ. of Chicago Press, 2000. – 249 p.
Kliems A. Spätmoderne. Lyrik des 20. Jahrhunderts in Ost-Mittel-Europa I. / A. Kliems, U. Raßloff, P. Zajac. – Berlin : Frank & Timme, 2006. – 444 S.
Catteau J. Dostoïevski / Jacques Catteau, Jacques Rolland. – Lagrasse : Verdier, 1983. – 252 р.
Bazarnik K. (O)patrzenie / K. Bazarnik, Z. Fajfer. – Wyd. II. – Kraków : Korporacja „Ha!art”, 2009. – 63 s.

Part of the book :
Culler J. Prolegomena to a Theory of Reading / Jonathan Culler // The Reader in the Text : Essays on Audience and Interpretation ; [edited by Susan R. Suleiman and Inge Crosman [Wimmers]. – Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1980. – P. 46–67.
Kulcsár-Szabó E. Subjekt und Sprachlichkeit. Das „spätmoderne” Paradigma und Umrisse einer integrativen Geschichte der literarischen Moderne / E. Kulcsár-Szabó, M. Szegedy-Maszák // Epoche – Text – Medialität: Diskurs der Moderne in der ungarischen Literaturwissenschaft. – Tübingen : Niemeyer, 1999. – S. 51–74.
Burzyńska A. Kariera narracji. O zwrocie narratywistycznym w humanistyce / Anna Burzyńska // Narracja i tożsamość. Tom I: Narracje w kulturze ; [pod red. Włodzimierza Boleckiego i Ryszarda Nycza]. – Warszawa : Wydawn. IBL PAN, 2004. – Str. 743.

Article in Periodical:
Hassan I. Prometheus as Performer: Towards a Posthumanist Culture?/ Ihab Hassan // The Georgia Review. – 1997. – Vol. 4. – No. 31. – P. 830–850.
Hay L. Die dritte Dimension der Literatur. Notizen zu einer „critique génétique” / Louis Hay // Poetica. Zeitschrift für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft. – 16. Band, Jahrgang 1984. – Amsterdam : Verlag B. R. Grüner, 1984. – S. 307–323.
Kristeva J. Bakhtine, le mot, le dialogue et le roman / Julia Kristeva // Critique. – 1967. – T. 23. – № 239. – Р. 438–465.
Nycz R. Antropologia literatury – kulturowa teoria literatury-poetyka doświadczenia / Ryszard Nycz // Teksty Drugie. – 2007. – Nr 6. – Str. 34–49.

Electronic resource:
Holland Norman N. Reader-response already is cognitive criticism [Electronic resource] / Norman N. Holland // Stanford Humanities Review. – 1995, Vol. 4. – Issue 1: Bridging the Gap. – Available at : (accessed 7 July 2012).
Stollberg-Rilinger B. Rezension zu: Peter Blickle: Das Alte Europa. Vom Hochmittelalter bis zur Moderne. München 2008 [Internetquelle] / B. Stollberg-Rilinger // H-Soz-u-Kult, 16.09.2008. – Im Internet abrufbar unter : (Zugriff am 12.07.2013)
Yocaris I. Relativisme cognitif et indétermination sémiotique : abduction et méta-abduction dans l’œuvre romanesque d’Umberto Eco [En ligne] / Ilias Yocaris // Cahiers de Narratologie. – 2011. – № 20. – Disponible à : (consulté le 08 juillet 2013).

Address of the Editorial Board
Kotsiubynsky str., 2, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58012,
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University.
Department of Foreign Literature and Theory of Literature
Editorial Board of “Problems of Literary Criticism”
tel.: 380 (372) 58-48-87

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